Pet Loss Counseling NYC

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”
~ Henry Ellis

Pet Loss Counseling NYC2023-11-02T17:18:40+00:00

Currently all counseling sessions are being held online.

The death of a beloved pet is a profound loss.

The grief you feel after this loss can be as much or more intense than for a human loved one. What other relationship provides unconditional love, a never-ending capacity to forgive, an endless source of comfort, and an ear that is always willing to listen and not judge? If you are struggling to move through a loss, I am available for individual pet loss counseling for folks living in New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

As an animal lover, I recognize the deep bond that is possible between humans and animals. I have experienced the heartache and despair when this bond is broken by a pet’s death. The sadness and overwhelming emptiness you experience is difficult to face alone. Our society is often quick to dismiss the significance of the relationship. It’s never, “just a pet.”

You might be experiencing profound sadness and depression, feelings of angerguilt, or perhaps you are still in shock.

Pet Loss Counseling NYC

Trained as a pet loss counselor by Dr. Wallace Sife, founder of the Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement, I have the professional training and personal experience with pet loss to help support you through the grieving and healing process. We will make sense of your feelings together in a caring and non-judgmental environment. I am also available to assist with anticipatory grief issues and issues surrounding making the decision for euthanasia. You do not need to suffer this pain alone.

Sometimes the loss of a pet can trigger feelings related to unresolved losses or traumas from the past. As a trained psychotherapist, I can help you process your experience and get to the root of what is causing you distress.

Currently all pet loss sessions are offered online via teletherapy for people based in NY, NJ or PA.

I offer the unique opportunity for you to use art therapy as a way to move through your grief. In times of pain and despair there is an innate human propensity to create and rebuild that which has been lost. The restorative and healing powers of the creative process are expansive. Creating artwork around your pet helps you focus on the positive memories, create a tangible memorial or express something for which there are no words. No art experience is necessary. Using art is entirely optional, but it is available if you choose.

If you are dealing with pet loss or anticipating a loss a few sessions of counseling can help.
Get in touch today »

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