Tips, Resources & News

“Inside all of us is Hope. Inside all of us is Fear. Inside all of us is Adventure. Inside all of us is… A Wild Thing.”
~ Maurice Sendak

Tips, Resources & News2023-03-10T00:57:48+00:00

Helping children through the loss of a pet

Helping children through the loss of a pet can be a challenge. It can be tempting to shield children from the “adult” experience of death, however depending on the age of the child, there are varying ways in which children respond to the loss of a family pet. [read more]

Pet Loss Guilt: Moving on after a loss

Pet Loss Guilt is one of the most common feelings people experience after the death of a pet. Death in general elicits a wide array of feelings of helplessness and loss of control, and often pet owners feel like there was something else they could have done to halt death. [read more]

Dr. Dan Siegel on Loss

Dr. Dan Siegel is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist whose work has explored using mindful awareness to promote mental, physical and relational health. [read more]

The Human-Animal Bond

Did you know that in ancient Egypt a person was condemned to death for intentionally (or accidentally) killing a cat? When a cat died, their human family would shave their eyebrows as a sign of their deep mourning. [read more]

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